2023 Kraabel joins Bex Burch ( https://bexburch.com/ ), Simon Camatta ( https://simoncamatta.yolasite.com/ ), and Raissa Mehner ( https://www.larizamusic.com/about-1/ ) as part of OTO quartet for performances at Moers Festival of improvised music (May) and Cafe Oto (20 September). ﷯ Release in January 2023 of duo recordings with Khabat Abas, Five Communiqués. https://carolinekraabel.bandcamp.com/album/5-communiqu-s August 2023 release of duo CD with Pat Thomas, whats wrong. ﷯ August 2023 release of Transitions Trio CD (CK, Maggie Nicols, Charlotte Hug), On Dizziness. https://www.discogs.com/label/110263-Creative-Sources-Recordings ﷯ Convening a series of creative improvisation labs with ONe_Orchestra New and guests; several performances with this large improvising group made up of women, trans and non-binary people. (PHOTO, caption: Olga Ksendovska at creative lab) https://oneorchestranew.com/ Caroline Kraabel is a London-based improviser, saxophonist, 
artist and composer.